Encode Transaction

All multisig requests must be encrypted through Keychain to ensure that only the valid initiator and potential signers have access to them. Therefore we provided a utility function to encode as follows:

Encode Transaction

Begin by encapsulating the operation using hive-tx Transaction(), then integrate it into the 'IEncodeTransaction' object.

const multisig = HiveMultisig.getInstance(window: Window,options?:MultisigOptions); 

const op: Hive.TransferOperation = [
        from: 'joe',
        to: 'jane',
        amount: 1,
        memo: 'payment',

const _hiveTx = new hiveTx.Transaction();
const transaction  _hiveTx.create([op], getSeconds(expiration))
const txEncode: IEncodeTransaction = {
          transaction: transaction,
          method: 'posting',
          expirationDate: expiration,
          initiator: 'joe',

const encodedTx = await multisig.utils.encodeTransaction(txEncode)

The multisig.utils.encodeTransaction() function will automatically assign the encoded message to all potential signers. This process encodes the transaction through Keychain and returns the 'RequestSignatureMessage' object.

IEncodeTransaction object

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